10 Project Management Software With Client Portal

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Project Management Software With Client Portal
1 Our Pick

Improvise your client management journey.


Simplified and organized portal for you and your clients.


Optimized way to manage your clients and staff.

4 Recommend

One platform to streamline all workflows.

Zoho Projects

Built for increased productivity, improved collaboration, & dynamic teams.


Prioritize, categorize, and assign tickets with it.


Helps small teams move faster and make more progress.


Manage everything under the roof.


The foundation for managing projects, programs, and processes that scale.


Revolutionize every aspect of your business.

Sometimes, juggling tasks, deadlines, and clients can feel like a three-ring circus. But what if I told you there’s a way to make things run smoother, happier, and more collaborative? 

Enter the client portal, your new secret weapon for project domination.

However, a traditional project management system may not be sufficient for projects involving external stakeholders, such as clients or vendors. 

What Is a Client Portal?

A client portal is a secured, customized, and controlled online space that allows clients to access project-related information without needing to be directly involved in the project management process. 

Using a client portal, agencies or companies can easily handle their clients as well as clients get flawless support from the hired (agencies or companies). 

A client portal should contain the following features;

  • Project documents and file management
  • Task lists and deadlines management
  • Project timelines
  • Communication (Client Support)
  • Feedback forms
  • Invoices and payments

Benefits of Using Project Management Software With a Client Portal

There are many benefits to using project management software with a client portal, both for the project team and the client. 

For the project team, a client portal can:

  • Improve communication and collaboration by providing a central location for all project information.
  • Increase transparency and accountability by giving clients visibility into the project’s progress.
  • Reduce the need for email and phone calls by allowing clients to access information and ask questions independently.
  • Free up valuable time for the project team by letting clients manage their own tasks and resources.
  • Improve client satisfaction by providing a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

For the client, a client portal can:

  • Get a real-time view of project progress and make informed decisions.
  • Provide feedback and input on the project throughout its lifecycle.
  • Access project documents and files at any time, from anywhere.
  • Collaborate with the project team on tasks and discussions.
  • Reduce the need for email and phone calls to the project team.
  • Have a better overall experience with the project and the project team.

How to Choose The Right Project Management Software With a Client Portal

Many different project management software options are available, so choosing one that is right for your needs is important. When choosing a solution, consider the following factors:

  • The size and complexity of your projects
  • The number of team members and stakeholders involved
  • Your budget
  • The features and functionality you need
  • The level of client access and control you want to provide

Some Popular Project Management Software Options With Client Portal

1. ClickUp

ClickUp Logo
Image: ClickUp Logo

ClickUp’s client portal isn’t just a feature; it’s a party invitation. Let’s ditch the old-school grind and make project management a collaborative, happy-hour kind of experience.

Imagine a world where your clients can:

  • Manage everything: Track progress, deadlines, and tasks – no more email scavenger hunts!
  • Do their thing: Share ideas, ask questions, and manage their own tasks – it’s their project playground!
  • Skip the hassle: Upload files, submit approvals, and more – self-service magic at their fingertips!

For you and your team?

  • Less email chaos: More time for what matters – like crushing projects and high-fiving success!
  • Happier clients, happier team: Open communication builds trust and keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Efficiency skyrockets: ClickUp automates the boring stuff, freeing you for strategic fun.

2. Monday.com

Monday.com logo
Image: Monday.com Logo

Let’s play a conversation game;

Clients: Want to ditch email chaos and track your project like a pro?

Monday.com Client Portal: Your one-stop shop for:

  • Real-time updates: See deadlines, progress, and tasks in a clear, colorful way. No more chasing info!
  • Feedback fiesta: Share ideas, ask questions, and feel heard. Your voice matters!
  • Self-service superpowers: Upload files, submit approvals, and manage your tasks.

For you: Say goodbye to inbox drama and hello to:

  • Less email, more high-fives: Focus on what you do best – crushing projects and celebrating wins!
  • Happy clients, happy team: Open communication builds trust and makes project management a party.
  • Efficiency on fire: Monday.com automates the boring stuff, freeing you to be the strategic mastermind.

Turn project management into a collaborative dance party! Everyone’s invited, and the client portal is the hottest playlist. 

3. Asana

Asana Logo
Image: Asana Logo

Project management got you feeling like a hamster on a wheel? Emails flying, deadlines looming, clients asking, “What’s up?” – it’s enough to make you want to hide under the desk.

But fear not, weary warrior! Enter the Client Portal, your oasis in the project management desert. It’s a magical land where clients can:

  • See everything: No more squinting at cryptic emails. Deadlines, tasks, progress – it’s all laid out like a beautiful beach on a sunny day.
  • Speak their mind: Feedback isn’t just welcome; it’s encouraged! Share ideas, ask questions, and feel heard.
  • Self-service superpowers: Upload files, approve stuff, manage their tasks – it’s like having a personal assistant on a tropical island.

And for you? Well, say goodbye to inbox avalanches and hello to:

  • More high-fives, less email headaches: Focus on what you do best – crushing projects and celebrating wins.
  • Happy clients, happy team: Open communication builds trust and makes project management a party, not a chore.
  • Efficiency that’s on fire: Let the portal handle the boring stuff while you unleash your strategic genius.

Think of it like a virtual beach bonfire; everyone’s invited! ️ Share stories, celebrate successes, and watch the project sunset together.

4. Wrike

Wrike Logo
Image: Wrike Logo

Forget endless email chains and chasing down updates like a lost puppy. Wrike’s Client Portal is your oasis in the project management desert.

Here’s why you’ll love it:

  • Project Intel at Your Fingertips: No more piecing together clues from cryptic emails. Tasks, deadlines, progress – in one clear, beautiful dashboard.
  • Feedback Fiesta: Share your thoughts and ideas like a rockstar. Comments and forms are your mic, and your voice is the hottest track on the project playlist.
  • Self-Service Superpowers: Upload files, approve things, and manage your tasks like a boss. Freedom ain’t never felt so good.

For the Team:

  • Goodbye, Email Avalanche: Focus on strategizing and celebrating, not drowning in threads. Serenity now!
  • Happy Clients, Happy Team: Open communication is the secret sauce to a project party. High fives all around!
  • Efficiency on Autopilot: Wrike zaps the boring stuff, freeing you to be the project zen master. ‍

Think of Wrike’s Client Portal as your collaboration oasis:

  • Boards are your coral reefs: Colorful and customizable; they show everything you need to know. Dive in and explore!
  • Conversations are your ocean waves: Clear and organized comments wash away confusion. No more swimming in murky waters!
  • Approvals are like gentle currents: Streamline the review and approval process and ensure smooth sailing. 
  • Access is your beach towel: Tailor what clients see and do. Everyone gets the perfect spot on the project beach. ️

5. Zoho Projects

Zoho Projects Logo
Image: Zoho Projects Logo

Zoho Projects’ Client Portal is your secret escape hatch to project paradise! It’s like a VIP pass to all the project fun, minus the email drama.

Imagine this:

  • No more frantic inbox searches: Track deadlines, tasks, and progress. It’s like your project roadmap.
  • Share your brilliant ideas and feedback. This portal is your mic, and your voice matters!
  • Self-service superpowers unlocked: Upload files, approve stuff, and manage your tasks like a pro. 

Team, get ready to high-five success!

  • Less email, more happy dances: Focus on strategizing and celebrating, not drowning in endless threads.
  • Happy clients, happy team: Open communication is the secret sauce to a project party. High fives all around!
  • Efficiency on fire: Zoho zaps the boring stuff, freeing you to be the project zen master.

Zoho’s Client Porta is where collaboration thrives, communication flows, and everyone can kick back and enjoy the view.

6. Freshdesk

FreshDesk Logo
Image: FreshDesk Logo

Did the project make you feel like a hamster on a wheel?
Stop spinning and jump on the Freshdesk Client Portal Express!
It’s your one-way ticket to project paradise, where emails are extinct (not at all), and collaboration takes center stage.

  • Project updates clearer than a tropical ocean: Track deadlines, tasks, and progress like a pro. No more decoding cryptic emails!
  • Share your brilliant ideas like a rockstar: Freshdesk is a portal that is your mic, and your voice matters.
  • Self-service: Submit tickets, upload files, and manage tasks.

For you, it’s like:

  • Less email, more high-fives: Focus on what rocks, like happy clients and project victories!
  • Open communication: Collaboration and trust make project management a beach party.
  • Efficiency on autopilot: Freshdesk takes care of the boring stuff, leaving you free to be the strategic mastermind.

Freshdesk allows projects to sing, communication sparkles, and everyone can kick back and enjoy the view.

7. Basecamp

Basecamp Logo
Image: Basecamp Logo

Basecamp is your escape hatch to collaboration paradise! Ditch the endless threads and dive into a world where:

  • Project updates clearer than a summer sky: No more deciphering cryptic emails. See deadlines, tasks, and progress in one simple place.
  • Feedback fiesta, not email ping-pong: Share your brilliant ideas and have your voice heard.

For you, it’s all rainbows and sunshine:

  • Less email, more high-fives: Focus on what rocks, like happy clients and project victories, not endless threads!
  • Open communication: Collaboration and trust make project management a beach party, not a dumpster fire.
  • Efficiency on autopilot: Basecamp takes care of the boring stuff, leaving you free to be the strategic mastermind. 

Basecamp Client Portal enables projects to sing, communication sparkles, and everyone can kick back and enjoy the view.

8. OneDesk

OneDesk Logo
Image: OneDesk Logo

Did project emails get you feeling like a cat stuck in a record player? Scratchy, repetitive, and frankly, a bit embarrassing? 

OneDesk’s Client Portal is your escape hatch to project paradise!

  • No more inbox safari: Documents, discussions, tasks – everything’s in one tidy space, ready for your rockstar moves. No more hunting through jungle-sized inboxes.
  • Feedback fiesta: Share ideas, ask questions, and rock the feedback mic. You’re not just a spectator but the lead vocalist on this project.

For your team, it’s like winning a Grammy:

  • Less email drama: Focus on what matters – crushing deadlines and celebrating wins, not untangling email threads. Serenity now!
  • Happy clients, happy team: Open communication is the secret sauce to a project party. Air guitars and high fives all around!
  • Efficiency on autopilot: OneDesk takes care of the boring stuff, leaving you free to be the creative mastermind. Conductor, please!

OneDesk’s Client Portal isn’t just a feature, it’s a philosophy:

  • Collaboration: I’m not talking about email chains here. This is jamming out together, sharing ideas, and creating something epic.
  • Transparency: Real-time updates and crystal-clear project visibility for everyone. No more missed notes or confusion backstage.
  • Flexibility: Tailor the portal to your project’s unique tune. Give your clients access to the stage lights while keeping sensitive information under your control.

It’s time to turn your project into a rockin’ masterpiece, with every team member contributing their killer riffs.

9. Smartsheet 

Smartsheet Logo
Image: Smartsheet Logo

Lost in email threads, drowning in spreadsheets? Smartsheet’s Client Portal is your escape hatch to project paradise!

  • One clear map: Ditch confusing spreadsheets, and track progress with beautiful, interactive dashboards.
  • Feedback campfires: Share ideas, gather insights, and build trust without email bonfires.
  • Self-service freedom: Approve tasks, upload files, and be the project hero.

For you:

  • Less email spelunking, more high-fiving: Focus on strategy, not decoding emails.
  • Happy clients, happy team: Open communication fuels project success.
  • Efficiency on autopilot: Smartsheet does the boring stuff, and you lead the adventure.

Smartsheet’s Portal is:

  • Collaboration beyond borders: Work side-by-side with clients to conquer project goals together.
  • Data-driven decisions: Real-time insights light the path and no more wrong turns.
  • Customization, your way: Share the summit view to keep the base camp secure.

Ditch the email maze, and grab your Smartsheet map! Lead your team to project paradise and celebrate success together.

10. Celoxis 

Celoxis Logo
Image: Celoxis Logo

Celoxis Client Portal is your hammock on Project Island, where collaboration flows like a fruity daiquiri, and deadlines are just distant sunbathers.

  • Project map clearer than a tropical ocean: Track progress, deadlines, and budgets.
  • Feedback fiesta, not email ping pong: Share ideas, ask questions, and be the life of the party. Your voice is the island’s soundtrack!
  • Approve tasks, upload files, and manage your involvement like a beach bum with a laptop.

For your team:

  • Focus on the good stuff – crushing goals and celebrating wins, not fighting email.
  • Open communication is the secret sauce to a project paradise party. High fives and piña coladas all around!
  • Celoxis takes care of the boring stuff, leaving you free to be the project captain.

Celoxis Client Portal isn’t just a feature; it’s a vacation:

  • We’re not talking about email chains here. This is sharing ideas, brainstorming by the bonfire, and building something epic together.
  • Real-time updates and crystal-clear project visibility for everyone. No more missed directions or lost flip-flops.
  • Tailor the portal to your project’s unique tune. Give clients access to the tiki bar while keeping sensitive info under your palm tree.

It’s time to turn your project into a tropical masterpiece, with every team member contributing their killer sandcastles.

FAQs About Client Portals in Project Management 

1. Why should I consider project management software with a client portal instead of email?

  • Traditional email communication for project management can be inefficient and opaque. Client portals offer a centralized, secure platform that fosters transparency and collaboration. Clients gain real-time access to project updates, timelines, and documentation, while teams benefit from streamlined communication and reduced email overload.

2. How can a client portal benefit my clients specifically?

  • Client portals empower your clients with greater autonomy and engagement in the project. They(client) can track real-time progress, provide feedback on tasks and deliverables, manage their permissions and access, and even upload files directly.

3. What are some tangible benefits for my project team?

  • Client portals significantly improve team efficiency by streamlining communication and reducing administrative tasks. Teams can focus on strategic work without the constant need for email updates and clarifications. Self-service features like approvals and task management further free up valuable time for high-impact activities.

4. What is the cost associated with client portal functionality?

  • Costs vary depending on the specific software and features you choose. However, many project management software options offer affordable plans with integrated client portal functionalities. Consider the potential return on investment in improved client satisfaction, team efficiency, and project success.


Project management software with a client portal can be valuable for businesses of all sizes. Providing a secure and convenient way for clients to stay informed and involved in the project can help to improve communication, collaboration, and overall project success.

As project complexity and client involvement reach new heights, traditional email-based communication can become a bottleneck. 

Fortunately, client portals offer a transformative solution, ushering in a new era of collaborative project management.

The benefits extend beyond client satisfaction. Teams experience increased efficiency, shedding the burden of repetitive communication and focusing on strategic tasks. The reduced reliance on email fosters a less chaotic and more productive work environment.

So, why not relinquish the reigns of email chains and embrace the possibilities of client portals? 

It’s time to enter a future where collaboration thrives, communication flows seamlessly, and success rests upon a foundation of shared ownership and engagement.

The future of project management is here – let’s collaborate our way to success!

SEO Professional | Founder @AH DiGi LTD

I am an SEO Professional, based on Local & Technical SEO. I have been working in this industry since 2019 actively. With my experience and knowledge, I have served thousands of clients and agencies. I share my experience on my website and YouTube channel.

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